
Friday, January 30, 2009

Nobody knows it but me,
Funny how it turns out,
I'm the last to know,
This awful feeling,
I'll keep it to myself,
Nobody cares, nobody wants to,
Let's keep it that way,
It's all for the better,
Let's keep pretending,
We are living what we are potraying,
We will morph into what we are pretending,
Let's keep wearing disguises,
And walk along the path,
Where everyone is also putting on their masks,
Because in this world,
Everyone is trying to be what they want to be,
They wear a masks everyday,
Until they lose their original faces,
Until the masks is what they depend on,
That is what the world is,
Filled with people who has lost their faces.
Yay! Maybe I can include a pic everytime I write a poem to give a bit more of that feeling. Hmm...

1:27 PM

It's old,
It's new,
It's nostalgic,
It's plain,
It's heart-warming,
It's unseen,
It's felt,
It's like a gift,
It's like a curse,
It makes us laugh,
It hurts,
It makes us look back,
It makes us cry,
It makes us feel brand new,
It makes us feel tarnished,
It makes us taste both sweet and sour,
It's invinsible,
Everyone has seen it,
At least once,
In their whole lifetime,
And will never forget,
How it looks like,
When they have felt it,

1:16 PM
Sunday, January 25, 2009

It’s easy to say I love you,
It’s easy to make a girl smile,
It’s easier to make her crush on you,
And you think you know love for real?

You are the most famous playboy,
Yet no girl can hold back on you,
You act like you are all cool,
But in the end you’re just a fool.

Oh, do you realise this time,
You’ve been played with,
Oh, do you realize this time,
She had made you fall for her.

So now, you’re chasing her,
Putting 100% more effort than other girls,
She’s hard lass,
You’ve gotta admit,
But will you admit yourself?
That she’s made you run about,
Like you never did.

But you really loved it,
No matter how she laughs at you,
You laugh along with her,
What is that thing?
That makes you laugh like a silly boy,
That makes you jumpy when you see her,
Like she’s triggered something in you,
Well, as a matter of fact, boy,
It’s a simple thing called love.

3:48 PM
Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm so lost,
Lost in the mazes in my heart,
Everything seems to just flash by,
Memories of you and me entangled,
Everything is lost but I'm going find it.

You turned your back on me that fateful day,
I won't cry because I still keep you in my heart,
Who cares if you don't love me anymore,
I'll follow you with my heart,
Your voice became the source my heart keeps beating,
Your words,
Are why I still continue life in a determined will.

It doesn't matter if you feel nothing,
I'll just be your shadow that you won't even notice,
I'll keep hunting those lost fragments of us together,
I'll show you the best of my days were with you,
I can never love anyone else,
Because I left my heart in front of the doorsteps of your heart.

7:13 PM

There’s always a little guilt in me,
For some things that happened,
Never realized what I’ve done,
Till I found out it hurt you.

Never thought I would’ve done that,
At that moment I was being selfish,
Never knew what you were feeling,
Cause’ I didn’t turn back to see you sad.

Time doesn’t turn back,
It keeps goin’ on,
Wish I never did that,
But there’s no second chance.

Hope you would forgive me,
Cause’ now I know how you feel,
Deep inside I truly regret….

Day by day,
It hurts more,
Why did I left you at first,
Seeing you,
In a life so new,
While I’m still here stranded,
Locked this love that I care so much,
The guilt just doesn’t disappear,
I’m still stuck here.

Clinging on our past,
Couldn’t forget,
Couldn’t apologize to you,
Couldn’t let it go,
Just hold me again please,
Tell me it’s okay,
Just want to feel you again,
To know it’s the same,
It never change,
I never left,
It’s all just a dream.

I’ll wake up to find you by my side.
Yes, let that be true.

7:04 PM

There’s so much want to say to you,
But will I get the chance?
It seems like you are fading,
From my sight,
From my touch.
Will I ever get the chance to tell?
Or maybe I just shouldn’t
This pain will go away perhaps
I’ll endure it silently.
To minutes,
It seems long enough
But time will pass,
When will I finally lost it all?
Will there be a light at the end?
I just want to know,
After all this pain,
What will come to me?
I just want live like you,
Share all the same as you,
Talk and see like you,
Play and cry I will,
Will I ever see those days?

Before I finally close my eyes,
Come closer to me I said,
Let me see and trace your face,
Let me carve it in my heart,
Talk to me a little longer,
Let me hear voice over and over,
Talk about nothing,
Just keep talking,
Before your voice finally fades away,
When all is lost,
One will remain,
That is the love from me to you.

2:05 PM
A new blog by me Stephanie. Where's the old posts? Gone. DELETED. I'm starting anew.




I designed this whole layout.